1. Winchester House

This house was built by the wife of an heir to the Winchester rifle fortune. Sarah Winchester had a seeming obsession with ghosts, building continuously in an effort to confuse ghosts. She also built strange features into the home for this purpose (such as staircases going nowhere and doors opening to walls). She was known to hold regular seances and to use guidance from the spirits to determine the next building project on the home. The home was partially destroyed in an earthquake in 1906. The photos below show the home before and after that earthquake.
2. The White House

3. Raynham Hall

Raynham Hall is located in Norfolk, England. It’s the home of one of the most famous ghost photographs of all time — that of the Brown Lady.
4. The Lizzie Borden House

5. The Myrtles Plantation

6. The Whaley House

7. The LaLaurie House

8. Loftus Hall

Ireland’s Loftus Hall is not only supposedly haunted, but it’s the only home on our list currently abandoned and boarded up — out of the reach of curiosity seekers. This home was rumored to have been visited by the devil himself. However, that story is rooted in the original building. The one currently on the premises was built after the original home’s exorcism and later demolition.
9. Rose Hall

10. The Borley Rectory
This English rectory was dubbed “the most haunted house in England” by paranormal investigator, Harry Price. Everything from ghostly footprints and the ghost of a nun to headless horsemen have been reportedly witnessed at the Borley Rectory
Berry Pomeroy Castle, Totness
There are a number of legends associated with this 14th-century castle,
and it has a reputation of being haunted. It has 2 famous female
ghosts; the White Lady and the Blue Lady. According to legend the White
Lady is the spirit of Margaret Pomeroy, who starved to death while
imprisoned in the dungeons by her jealous sister. Apparently she haunts
the dark dungeons, and rises from St Margaret’s Tower to the castle
walls. The Blue Lady is not confined to specific areas and is supposed
to lure people into parts of the ruin. Apparently it’s a very bad idea
to follow her!
Dominican Hill, Baguio City, Philippines.
According to some people the ghosts of people who were killed during
the war haunt this place. Some say the patients who died here despite
having the hope to be alive turned into ghosts. Hearing the banging of
doors, windows, clattering of dishes and screaming voices during night
are reported by people.
Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland
This magnificent castle is typically medieval, perched atop a rocky
crag, giving it an amazing vista of Scottish hills. But inside the
empty halls and narrow streets of Edinburgh, there are the
echoes of the dead. At least, that’s what has been reported. Hot
spots for specters include the castle’s prison cells, the South Bridge
vaults and Mary’s King Close, a disused street used to quarantine
and eventually entomb victims of the plague. There are also reports
of ghost dogs, a headless drummer, and the bodies of prisoners
taken during the French seven-year war and the American War of
Monte Cristo, New South Wales, Australia
Monte Cristo, Australia’s most haunted mansion is located in Junee, New
South Wales. Mrs Crawley, the owner of the house never came out of her
home after the death of her husband in 23 years of her remaining life
except for two times. After her death her ghost haunts the place
particularly her former room. Bodiless ghost, phantom face in the
window, floating apparition, strange and ghostly voices, automatic
turning on and off lights are some haunting experiences of the people.
Some people reported that when they entered the boy’s bed room they
were breathless and turned purple and almost died, they became normal
after coming out from the room.
Ancient Ram Inn, Gloucestershire, England
Whether you believe in ghosts or not, a trip to the Ancient Ram Inn is
an unsettling experience. Its creaky floorboards, cold bare walls, musty
smells and dimly lit nooks and crannies epitomise everything a haunted
house should be. And the stories attached to this creepy building are
not for the fainthearted: Murder, satanism and child sacrifice are just a
few of the dark deeds said to have occurred here, oh and did we mention
apparently it’s built on a pagan burial ground?
Highgate Cemetery, North London, England
By night, Highgate Cemetery is like something out of a horror movie.
Eerie crooked gravestones, headless angles covered in ivy, dark
overgrown passages between the tombs, it’s no wonder this is Britain’s
number-one ghost spot. Despite it’s chilling atmosphere, by day Highgate
Cemetery showcases some of the Britain’s most spectacular Gothic
architecture, offers fascinating guided tours. It’s also the burial
place of Karl Marx.
Bhangarh Fort, India
Bhangarh Fort is on way from Jaipur to Alwar in Rajasthan, India.
According to a legend, Singhia, a black magic tantrik cursed the palace
that everybody would die in the palace and their souls will stay there
for centuries without rebirth. Another interesting point is, all the
houses in this area are without roofs because whenever a house is built
with roof, the roof collapses. This is the called most haunting place
in India. People who visit this place experience anxiety and
restlessness. It is said that nobody returns from this place that stays
there after dark. Government prohibited this area from staying after
sunset. You will find a board installed by Archaeological Survey of
India displaying “Staying after sunset is strictly prohibited in this
Screaming Tunnel, Niagara Falls, Ontario
The haunting of the Screaming Tunnel is one of Niagara Falls’ most
enduring legends. Located off Warner Road, the tunnel runs under the
railway tracks that link Niagara Falls to Toronto and New York City.
According to local legend, over a century ago, a farm house located
just past the south entrance to the tunnel caught fire one night. A
young girl, her clothes engulfed in flames, fled screaming from the
house. She ran through the tunnel in an attempt to extinguish her
garments but collapsed and died on the tunnel floor. A variation of
this story has the girl set ablaze in the tunnel by her enraged father
when he learned his wife had won custody of their children during an
nasty divorce battle. Another version tells of a young girl who was
raped inside the tunnel and her body burned to cover the evidence. All
these stories allege that if you stand in the middle of the dark tunnel
at midnight and light a match, the flame will go out and a girl’s
screams will be heard.
Ohio University, Athens, America
Ohio University is known in state folklore as the most haunted college
campus. A large number of places on campus are said to be haunted, and
numerous other popular tales are told about the university across
Athens county. The British Society for Psychical Research claims that
Athens, Ohio, is one of the most haunted places in the world. Wilson
Hall, famous for a girl (a supposed witch)who killed herself moments
after writing satanic and supernatural things on the wall in her own
blood. The five cemetaries that form a pentagram that surrounds the
campus, with the administrative building being in the center of the
devil’s sign. Washington Hall, which is famous for housing a team of
basketball players who all died in a terrible crashm their ghosts still
haunt the hall, and you can sometimes hear them dribbling. The
catacombs of Jefferson Hall, where numerous ghost sightings have
occurred. And finally, for The Ridges, an abandoned insane asylum that
was known for thousands of labotamies and electro shock treatments.
Also, a patient who disappeared, and was found five weeks later, her
body decomposed onto the floor and left a stain that outlines her body.
This stain can still be seen today.
Changi Beach, Singapore
Changi Beach served as a popular killing ground for the Japanese during
the Sook Ching massacre of The Second World War. Thousands of Chinese
were tortured and killed during this Operation as they were suspected
of being anti-Japanese. Strange crying and screaming are reported by
people. The heads of the Chinese dead bodies are sometimes seen flying
everywhere and headless bodies walk around the beach. The scariest
thing is that the ghosts leave blood stains. During nights people
observe dug holes that appear as if they were used for burying bodies.
The Queen Mary
Long Beach, California
This grand old ship is quite haunted, according to the many people who have worked on and visited the craft. Once a celebrated luxury ocean liner, when it ended its sailing days the Queen Mary was purchased by the city of Long Beach, California in 1967 and transformed into a hotel.
The most haunted area of the ship is the engine room where a 17-year-old sailor was crushed to death trying to escape a fire. Knocking and banging on the pipes around the door has been heard and recorded by numerous people. In what is now the front desk area of the hotel, visitors have seen the ghost of a "lady in white."Ghosts of children are said to haunt the ship's pool. The spirit of a young girl, who allegedly broke her neck in an accident at the pool, has been heard asking for her mother or her doll. In the hallway of the pool's changing rooms is an area of unexplained activity. Furniture moves about by itself, people feel the touch of unseen hands and unknown spirits appear. In the front hull of the ship, a specter can sometimes be heard screaming - the pained voice, some believe, of a sailor who was killed when the Queen Mary collided with a smaller ship.
Eastern State Penitentiary
Eastern State Penitentiary has become a favorite destination for ghost hunters as well as the public at large since it has been opened to tours.
Built in 1829, the imposing Gothic structure was originally designed
to hold 250 inmates in solitary confinement. At the height of its use,
however, as many as 1,700 prisoners were crammed into the cells. Like
many such places of high emotional stress, misery and death, the prison
has become haunted.
One of its most famous inmates was none other than Al Capone, was was incarcerated there on illegal weapons possession in 1929. During his stay, it is said that Capone was tormented by the ghost of James Clark, one of the men Capone had murdered in the infamous St. Valentine's Day massacre.
Other reported haunting activity includes:
Other ghosts of the Tower include those of Henry VI, Thomas a Becket and Sir Walter Raleigh. One of the most gruesome ghost stories connected with the Tower of London describes death of the Countess of Salisbury. According to one account, "the Countess was sentenced to death in 1541 following her alleged involvement in criminal activities (although it is now widely believed that she was probably innocent). After being sent struggling to the scaffold, she ran from the block and was pursued until she was hacked to death by the axe man." Her execution ceremony has been seen re-enacted by spirits on Tower Green.
"It was a spectacular place to stay, if you keep an open mind. While taking the guided tour, I saw what looked like a heavyset African-American woman wearing an apron walk by the door, on the porch. Thinking it was a worker in period dress, I peeked out and no one was there. We stayed in the children's bedroom, and my best-friend (who was a non-believer at the time) experienced quite a bit of paranormal phenomena. She was held down in the bed and constantly poked all night. She was unable to move or cry out for help. She didn't think the stay was as great as I did. They let you ghost hunt on the grounds whenever you like, but you can't ghost hunt in the main house without an escort. I suggest setting up a video camera in your room and bring a tape recorder to obtain EVP."
Ghost investigators who have ventured into Waverly have reported a host of strange paranormal phenomena, including voices of unknown origin, isolated cold spots and unexplained shadows. Screams have been heard echoing in its now abandoned hallways, and fleeting apparitions have been encountered.
In the article, Those That Linger, by Keith Age, Jay Gravatte and Troy Taylor, you can read more about these investigators' experiences.
Some of the other ghostly encounters include:
One of its most famous inmates was none other than Al Capone, was was incarcerated there on illegal weapons possession in 1929. During his stay, it is said that Capone was tormented by the ghost of James Clark, one of the men Capone had murdered in the infamous St. Valentine's Day massacre.
Other reported haunting activity includes:
- A shadow-like figure that scoots quickly away when approached.
- A figure that stands in the guard tower.
- An evil cackling reportedly comes from cellblock 12.
- In cellblock 6, another shadowy figure has been seen sliding down the wall.
- Mysterious, ghostly faces are said to appear in cellblock 4.
The Tower of London
London, England
The Tower of London, one of the most famous and well-preserved
historical buildings in the world, may also be one of the most haunted.
This is due, no doubt, to the scores of executions, murders and tortures
that have taken place within its walls over the last 1,000 years.
Dozens upon dozens of ghost sightings have been reported in and around
the Tower. On one winter day in 1957 at 3 a.m., a guard was disturbed by
something striking the top of his guardhouse. When he stepped outside
to investigate, he saw a shapeless white figure on top of the tower. It
was then realized that on that very same date, February 12, Lady Jane
Grey was beheaded in 1554.
Perhaps the most well-known ghostly resident of the Tower is the spirit of Ann Boleyn,
one of the wives of Henry VIII, who was also beheaded in the Tower in
1536. Her ghost has been spotted on many occasions, sometimes carrying
her head, on Tower Green and in the Tower Chapel Royal.Other ghosts of the Tower include those of Henry VI, Thomas a Becket and Sir Walter Raleigh. One of the most gruesome ghost stories connected with the Tower of London describes death of the Countess of Salisbury. According to one account, "the Countess was sentenced to death in 1541 following her alleged involvement in criminal activities (although it is now widely believed that she was probably innocent). After being sent struggling to the scaffold, she ran from the block and was pursued until she was hacked to death by the axe man." Her execution ceremony has been seen re-enacted by spirits on Tower Green.
The Myrtles Plantation
St. Francisville, Louisiana
Built in 1796 by General David Bradford, this stately old home on
Myrtles Plantation is said to be haunted be several restless ghosts.
Some researchers say as many as ten murders have been committed there,
but others, such as Troy Taylor and David Wisehart, have only been able
to confirm one murder at Myrtles. (Those two authors provide a very good
history of the house in their article, The Legends, Lore & Lies of The Myrtles Plantation).
Even they agree, however, that the place is seriously haunted and
easily qualifies as one of the "most haunted." These are some of the
ghosts that allegedly haunt the house:- Chloe – a former slave who was allegedly hung on the premises for killing two little girls. (Those murders and even the existence of Chloe are in question.)
- The ghosts of the two murdered children have been seen playing on the veranda.
- William Drew Winter – an attorney who lived at Myrtles from 1860 to 1871. He was shot on the side porch of the house by a stranger. With his life's blood pouring from his body, Winter staggered into the house and began to climb the stairs to the second floor... but didn't make it. He collapsed and died on the 17th step. It is his last dying footsteps that can still be heard on the staircase to this day. (Winter's murder is the only one that has been verified.)
- The ghosts of other slaves allegedly occasionally show up to ask if they can do any chores.
- The grand piano has often been heard to play by itself, repeating one haunting chord.
"It was a spectacular place to stay, if you keep an open mind. While taking the guided tour, I saw what looked like a heavyset African-American woman wearing an apron walk by the door, on the porch. Thinking it was a worker in period dress, I peeked out and no one was there. We stayed in the children's bedroom, and my best-friend (who was a non-believer at the time) experienced quite a bit of paranormal phenomena. She was held down in the bed and constantly poked all night. She was unable to move or cry out for help. She didn't think the stay was as great as I did. They let you ghost hunt on the grounds whenever you like, but you can't ghost hunt in the main house without an escort. I suggest setting up a video camera in your room and bring a tape recorder to obtain EVP."
Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Louisville, Kentucky
The original Waverly Hills Sanatorium, a two-story wooden structure, was
opened in 1910, but the larger brick and concrete structure as it stand
today was completed in 1926. The hospital was always dedicated to the
treatment of tuberculosis patients, a disease that was fairly common in
the early 20th Century.
It is estimated that as many as 63,000 people died as the sanatorium.
Those deaths coupled with the reports of severe mistreatment of
patients and highly questionable experiments and procedures are
ingredients for a haunted location.Ghost investigators who have ventured into Waverly have reported a host of strange paranormal phenomena, including voices of unknown origin, isolated cold spots and unexplained shadows. Screams have been heard echoing in its now abandoned hallways, and fleeting apparitions have been encountered.
In the article, Those That Linger, by Keith Age, Jay Gravatte and Troy Taylor, you can read more about these investigators' experiences.
The Whaley House
San Diego, California
Located in San Diego, California, the Whaley House has earned the title of "the most haunted house in the U.S." Built in 1857 by Thomas Whaley on land that was partially once a cemetery, the house has since been the locus of dozens of ghost sightings.
Author deTraci Regula relates her experiences with the house: "Over the years, while dining across the street at the Old Town Mexican Cafe, I became accustomed to noticing that the shutters of the second-story windows [of the Whaley House] would sometimes open while we ate dinner, long after the house was closed for the day. On a recent visit, I could feel the energy in several spots in the house, particularly in the courtroom, where I also smelled the faint scent of a cigar, supposedly Whaley's calling-card. In the hallway, I smelled perfume, initially attributing that to the young woman acting as docent, but some later surreptitious sniffing in her direction as I talked to her about the house revealed her to be scent-free."Some of the other ghostly encounters include:
- The spirit of a young girl who was accidentally hanged on the property.
- The ghost of Yankee Jim Robinson, a thief who was clubbed to death and who can be heard on the house's stairway where he died, and has sometimes been seen during tours of the old house.
- The red-haired daughter of the Whaley's sometimes appears in such a realistic form; she is sometimes mistaken for a live child.
Rolling Hills Asylum
E. Bethany, New York
Located between Buffalo and Rochester, Rolling Hills Asylum's
enormous 53,000+ sq. ft. brick building sits on a knoll in the hamlet
of E. Bethany, N.Y. and has been a popular destination for ghost hunters
for many years. Opened on January 1, 1827 and originally named The
Genesee County Poor Farm, it was created by Genesee County to house
those eligible for assistance including paupers, habitual drunkards,
lunatics, the blind, lame or otherwise handicapped, orphans, widows,
vagrants, and even a murderer or two. In the 1950s it became the Old
County Home & Infirmary, and then in the 1990s was transformed into a
set of shops and later an antiques mall. When the property owners,
vendors and shoppers began to notice strange occurrences, a paranormal
group was called into investigate and Rolling Hills' spooky reputation
was born. Reports include disembodied voices, doors mysteriously held
shut, screams in the night, shadow people and more.
Rolling Hills Case Manager, Suzie Yencer relates one chilling
experience: "It was September 2007. While working a public hunt, we had a
gentleman with us that was filming a documentary about the building. He
wanted to try an experiment in one of the rooms. The room he chose was
in the basement, popularly known as The Christmas Room. The experiment
he wanted to try was to sit in the room with no lights or equipment on.
The only light we would use was a pink glow stick in the middle of a
circle of people. We also placed a small ball and a toddler size rocking
horse in the circle. The gentleman conducting the experiment requested
that only I talk and try to make contact with the spirits. The more I
talked, the more strange occurrences began to happen. The glow stick
started to move back and forth, and the rocking horse began to slowly
rock. A few of the guests in the room including myself saw a hand and
arm come out of nowhere and reach for the ball in the circle and then
just vanish...."Gettysburg Battlefield
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Few would argue that Gettysburg Battlefield is one
of the most haunted places in the U.S. As the site of one of the
bloodiest battles of the Civil War, nearly 8,000 Union and Confederate
soldiers were killed and tens of thousands more were injured there on
July 3, 1863. There have been numerous sightings of ghost soldiers, sounds of battle, recorded EVP and even video.
- Visitors to the park have reported seeing and even talking to these phantoms from the past only to have them mysteriously vanish.
- Screams and moans, the sounds of gun and cannon fire -- all echoes from the horrific battle are occasionally heard and even recorded.
- One of the most compelling ghost videos ever recorded was shot at Triangular Field by Tom Underwood in 2001.
Moss Beach Distillery
Moss Beach, California
Brief history: During Prohibition in the 1920s, the Moss Beach Distillery
in Moss Beach, California became one of the most popular speakeasies on
the West Coast when it was known as "Frank's Place," frequented by
silent film stars drinking its illegal booze. After Prohibition, the
place continued as a successful restaurant, which it remains today.
Ghosts: The Blue Lady is the Distillery's most famous ghost and has been investigated by such prominent ghost hunters as Loyd Auerbach as well as the Unsolved Mysteries TV show. According to legend, in the 1930s a beautiful young woman, possibly named Cayte, fell for a piano player of questionable character and they began an affair, even though she was already married. She was killed by an unknown assailant on the nearby beach, and it is thought that her spirit -- dressed in blue -- still searches for her lover.
Ghostly activity reported by guests and restaurant staff includes:
Ghosts: The Blue Lady is the Distillery's most famous ghost and has been investigated by such prominent ghost hunters as Loyd Auerbach as well as the Unsolved Mysteries TV show. According to legend, in the 1930s a beautiful young woman, possibly named Cayte, fell for a piano player of questionable character and they began an affair, even though she was already married. She was killed by an unknown assailant on the nearby beach, and it is thought that her spirit -- dressed in blue -- still searches for her lover.
Ghostly activity reported by guests and restaurant staff includes:
- Sightings of the Blue Lady herself
- A levitating checkbook
- Doors that impossibly lock from the inside
- Mysterious phone calls
- Disappearing earrings that later show up in one place
- Glassware moving
- During his 1999 investigation, Loyd Auerbach reports that he experienced the ghost "walking through" him several times
- Anomalous magnetic field and temperature changes.
Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
Los Angeles, California
Brief history: Located on Hollywood Boulevard and opened for business in 1927, the Roosevelt Hotel
is one of the most famous hotels in Los Angeles and one of the most
haunted places in the world. It has long been a hangout for Hollywood's
biggest stars, and the popularity of its trendy Teddy's nightclub still
attracts the glitterati.
Ghosts: The Roosevelt is nearly as famous for its big-name ghosts, including Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift. Haunting activity includes:
Ghosts: The Roosevelt is nearly as famous for its big-name ghosts, including Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift. Haunting activity includes:
- Marilyn Monroe's ghost has been seen reflected in a mirror in room 229 and dancing in the hotel's ballroom.
- Montgomery Clift's ghost is thought to haunt room 928, where he stayed whilte filming From Here to Eternity, and can still be heard playing his trumpet. His spirit has also been spotted on the eighth floor.
- One guest who stayed in room 928 felt patting on her shoulder by an unseen hand as she lay in bed reading.
- There is an eerie cold spot in the Blossom Ballroom that is about 10 degrees colder than the rest of the room.
- The ghost of a man dressed in white has been seen standing near a piano in the Blossom Ballroom. When guests approached the man, after hearing piano music, he vanished before their eyes.
- The ghost of glamorous movie star Carole Lombard, wife of Clark Gable, has been spotted on the 12th floor, where she and Gable often stayed.
- Former Saturday Night Live cast member Ana Gasteyer, while staying one of the hotels's suites, encountered a piano that played by itself and the full-body apparition of a maid in a hall closet.
- Security guards have seen a ghost at the hotel's pool. It could be seen on security cameras, but when a guard went to check it, he could see no one -- although it still appeared on the security monitor.
- The ghost of a pony-tailed little girl named Caroline has been seen skipping and singing around the fountain in the lobby.
- Guests returned to their rooms only to find them locked from the inside.
Sallie House
Atchison, Kansas
The Sallie House in Atchison, Kansas quickly earned
a national reputation as one of the most haunted places in the U.S. --
almost certainly the most haunted in the state of Kansas. The rather
simple-looking painted brick house at 508 N. Second Street, built
between 1867 and 1871, gives no indication from the street of its spooky
reputation, but the many experiences of those who lived there are have
subsequently investigated the place testify as to its ghostly vibes --
mostly of the negative kind.
The house was brought to national attention when Debra and Tony Pickman lived there from 1992 to 1994 and had many distrubing encounters, including physical attacks on Tony, which were documented by the Sightings television show. It's called the Sallie house because the daughter of some previous tenents had an imaginary friend named Sallie, and she is beleived to be one of the spirits haunting the house. When Tony Pickman drew a picture of the ghost Sallie he had seen, the daughter identified it as her friend, Sallie. (Coincidentally -- or not -- people who owned the house in the 1940s had a daughter named Sallie, although she did not die in the house or at a young age.)
The Pickmans experience much phenomena, including:
The house continues to be a focal point for investigations by ghost hunting groups from all over the country, who report strange activity, EVP, and other phenomena. On Friday the 13th, 2012, a 72-hour investigation was broadcast live on the internet, the replay of which you can find here.
The house was brought to national attention when Debra and Tony Pickman lived there from 1992 to 1994 and had many distrubing encounters, including physical attacks on Tony, which were documented by the Sightings television show. It's called the Sallie house because the daughter of some previous tenents had an imaginary friend named Sallie, and she is beleived to be one of the spirits haunting the house. When Tony Pickman drew a picture of the ghost Sallie he had seen, the daughter identified it as her friend, Sallie. (Coincidentally -- or not -- people who owned the house in the 1940s had a daughter named Sallie, although she did not die in the house or at a young age.)
The Pickmans experience much phenomena, including:
- Wall-hung pictures turned upside-down
- Strangely melted candles and burnt finger marks
- Multiple photo anomalies
- Tony had an actual sighting of Sallie on Halloween morning, 1993
- While napping, Tony heard of woman's voice say, "Here's your remote," as the TV remote control was placed on his chest by unseen hands
- During the first Sightings taping, Tony received three bloody scratches on his arm
- One night Tony dreamed that he was being pulled out of bed by his wrist by a little girl. Upon waking he found burn marks on his wrist that were much like the fingerprints of a small child.
The house continues to be a focal point for investigations by ghost hunting groups from all over the country, who report strange activity, EVP, and other phenomena. On Friday the 13th, 2012, a 72-hour investigation was broadcast live on the internet, the replay of which you can find here.
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